
Mid-autumn Festival and Moon Cakes

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the seventh, eighth and ninth months belong to the season autumn. The eighth lunar month is in the middle of autumn, and the 15th of the eighth month is in the middle of this month. So, the festival is called “Mid-Autumn Festival”.


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♬ A warm piano instrumental ballad(808701) – NOPPO MUSIC

In autumns it is usually clear and cool and there are seldom wandering clouds in the sky, so the moon is particularly bright and clear at night. In the night of Mid-Autumn Day, the moon becomes full, so it is the golden time for people to enjoy the moon. The full moon is considered as a symbol of reunion.

Eating moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese custom. The moon cake is round as the moon, which signifies reunion. Moon cakes have been always regarded as a symbol of luck and happy reunion throughout the Chinese history.

There are many types of the moon cake in China, and recipes as well as flavors vary in different areas. The stuffing of moon cakes is either sugary or salty, either meat or fruits. There are also some flower patterns and characters on the moon cakes, which makes them not only tasteful but also beautiful.

People can have a one-day holiday on Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you.